Monday, April 23, 2012

Back to Blogging....

Yesterday chalked up to be another great Sunday.... Have I mentioned how much I love Sundays?! We didn't do much, but it was much needed after a long afternoon and night at Thunder over Louisville. Patrick's cousin invited us to go a private lot where people with motor homes and other campers set-up for the weekend! For all you non-KY readers.... thunder is the kick off to all derby festivities that lead up to the Kentucky Derby! We haven't been in a few years, so it was nice to go, be with family, and see the greatest firework display in America. Here is the only pic I took of the night!

Allie Rae came over to spend the afternoon with us yesterday. She comes almost every Sunday and I just love having time for just the two of us. She might be a lot younger than me, but we are glued to the hip!!! And lily just loves her....

Crazy that I didn't have school or clinical today.... I feel like I don't know what to do with myself. Super excited though about relaxing and doing some things that I've had to put off for so long! On the agenda for this week.... Gym, spring cleaning, starting the hunger games series on my mommas kindle (cant believe everyone has read them but me... I had my nose in other books :o), developing a study plan for boards, cooking dinner every night for my hubby (something I haven't done in weeks), and a WHOLE lot of me time!!!!  And I am excited to be back blogging regularly.  I have really missed documenting our lives and reading all of my favorite blogs.  Hoping to make this part of my daily routine. 

I have a feeling that Lily is just gonna be spoiled rotten with her momma home everyday with her for a month or two!!



tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

oh goodness how i love sundays too. but i do not love that you cook dinner for your husband. stop making me look bad! ;)

Julie said...

We were at Thunder too!! It was freezing but so worth it. Glad you had fun. P.S. I love Sundays too :)

Julie said...

We were at Thunder too!! It was freezing but so worth it. Glad you had fun. P.S. I love Sundays too :)

The Wallace Family said...

Looks like ya'll had a great time! I agree dinner date soon! Oh and I will off on May 18 for summer vacation and our pool opens like May 16! Pool days!!???

Savannah said...

Can't believe you braved the weather ... I'm such a wimp - ha! Looks like you had a good time and I love how close you are with your youngest sister. Siblings are the best!